Wish you had a credit card but got rejected? Concerned about using your credit card due to security fears? Unsure if the merchant will send you the product that you’ve purchased? Then Kredivo is for you. It's simple, fast and safe.
Get a transaction limit of up to Rp 1.500.000 instantly for Pay in 30 days, or up to Rp 20.000.000 for 12 month cicilan. For Pay in 30, Kredivo charges 0% interest. For cicilan, you pay an interest of 2.95% per month.
Using your self-reported, phone and alternate data, Kredivo evaluates your credit worthiness in real time and qualifies you for an instant transaction limit. The application process takes less than 1 minute and approval is granted within 24 hours. Once approved, you can buy and checkout on your favorite ecommerce stores with 2 clicks and best of all, pay later in 30 days or get cicilan for 3 or 6 or 12 months. It's as easy as 1-2-3!
Problems downloading our app or have any feedback? Ping us at support@kredivo.com.