Now shopping fruits and vegetables no need to go to the market! Enjoy cheap & easy online shopping anytime and anywhere and get various attractive deals through TaniHub - The official app of the largest online shopping fruits and vegetables site in Indonesia.
Download application TaniHub now to enjoy the variety of the following features:
- Special offers via App
- Notifications of latest promo
- Find a product faster
- Easy to make transaction
Easy & Safe Transaction
TaniHub offers an easy and safe, with the bank transfer method, and other methods. Easy and safe is an experience we will always improve in order to maintain customer satisfaction.
Freshness & Quality Guaranteed
TaniHub has an advantage by taking fruits and vegetables directly from the farmers, so that the freshness and quality is guaranteed.
Special Promo Offers Fruit and Vegetable Shop
With the implemented system, TaniHub can cut long distribution chain from farmers to consumers, so the price of fruit and vegetables are cheaper. Special offers are also available in TaniHub, such as discounts and price cuts voucher.