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Do you like pushing buttons and shouting at your friends? Do you like discharging Clip-jawed Fluxtrunions? If you answered yes, or no, then you might have what it takes to be on a Spaceteam.

Spaceteam is a cooperative party game for 2 to 8 players who shout technobabble at each other until their ship explodes. Each player needs a mobile device (phone, tablet, iPod Touch, etc)

You'll be assigned a random control panel with buttons, switches, sliders, and dials. You need to follow time-sensitive instructions. However, the instructions are being sent to your teammates, so you have to coordinate before the time runs out. Also, the ship is falling apart. And you're trying to outrun an exploding star.

Good luck. And remember to work together... as a Spaceteam!

- Teamwork
- Confusion
- Shouting
- An untimely demise
- Beveled Nanobuzzers
- Auxiliary Technoprobes
- Four-stroke Pluckers

Awards & Recognition:
* Winner - GameCity Prize 2013
* Winner - IndieCade 2013 (Interaction Award)
* Winner - A MAZE. Indie Games Award 2013 (The Most Amazing Indie Game)
* Winner - International Mobile Gaming Awards 2013 (Innovation Award)
* Finalist - Independent Games Festival 2013
* Selection - PAX East Indie Showcase 2013
* Featured Game - IndieCade East 2013

Kategori Aplikasi
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