

Social Android Free

Ketemu – Hit the Road and Join the Fun!

Ketemu will be your buddy as you walk around the neighborhood. Get newest updates on what people are up to.

• Snap your moments, tell your story and share them to your nearest friends
• Don't miss out all the latest updates from friends and following account
• Seek and find all fascinating things start from your own interest
• Llight up your screen with 3 color themes and cute avatars as your profile picture

Ask your friend to join you on KETEMU! The more, the merrier! :D

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Jurnal Apps adalah website media yang fokus dalam membahas segala hal yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi mobile. Jurnal Apps berisi informasi review, bedah produk, berita terbaru dan video aplikasi untuk mobile.
Hubungi Kami

Menara Anugrah 20th Floor - Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Lot 8.6-8.7. Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12950. Indonesia

+62 21 5785 3978

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